We cherry pick history’s influence on the present, from war and genocide, pandemic and slavery, avoiding the legacies shaping the here and now. A case of inconvenience and discomfort? guilt or ignorance?  Or simply thinking it is someone else’s problem?But these days of socio-political/environmental/technological crisis, conflict, and returning slavery, forces us to re-evaluate, as the exploitation, oppression, colonialism, conflict and prejudice shaping our world becomes clear.Architecture is a mirror of these structures, histories, and systems: record of unseen, underpaid, dangerous work; collection of appropriated resources; ledger of enterprise, exploitation and opportunism; manifestation of social and cultural values; but also an opportunity to uproot divisive associations, and re-root ideas for a just and inclusive future.The projects address Bristol’s long history of exploitation and it’s backlash: focused on two harbour-side warehouses themselves by-products of the city’s trade of enslaved people, tobacco, sugar, and cotton, cultivated by the same enslaved people on colonial plantations.By deconstructing, reassembling, and radically renewing the buildings and city, the projects challenge uses/associations/stories and harness redundant resources, materials, and structures, and their embedded values, to question the city's future and engage architecture’s ability to transform attitudes, and propose architecture of inclusion, education, illumination and inspiration, to reshape the city.



1.  Alien - Exploration and analysis of a troubling personal artifact

2.  Probe - Mechanism of enquiry to see the world as it is, not as it appears to be

3.  Measure - Field trip and intensive survey of Bristol and the year’s warehouse site

4.  Map - Multi-scalar mapping of Bristol’s histories/stories/associations

5.  upRoot - Temporary site intervention to engage community and reveal the past

6.  reRoot Permanent community institution (Library, Performance space, Gallery

  • Toby Smith

    Ayanna Blair-Ford

    Justin Chapman (Technology)

    Matthew Bolton (Structures)

  • Yr2: Claudia Massot Añoveros

    Antonia Arbert

    Esi Calliku

    Zak Chadd

    Josh Cook

    Kaifi Haque

    Frende Hauer

    Seren Quinn Lloyd

    Diogo De Almeida Monteiro

    Lauren Pickard

    Lu Hunter Simmonds

    Yr3: Magda Borovina

    Alice Hayes

    Eve Jones

    Aidan Leahy

    Mimi Mohd Tarmizi

    Kate Pennington

    Elena Symeou

    Yi Yin Tay

    Angie Yeung

  • Cyprian Boateng

    Claire Fear

    Carl Fraser

    Tom Jelley (Unit N)

    Remi Kuforiji

    Emma-Kate Matthews (Unit J)

    Issi Nanabeyin

    Charlie Palmer (Unit A)

    Fearghus Raftery (Unit K)


Unit F


Unit H