Unit A
Charlie Palmer - Lead Tutor
Ruth Cuenca - Unit Tutor
Tahima Rahman - Technology Tutor
Eugenie Sentucq - Structures Tutor
Hannah Sloggett - Nudge Community Builders (Client)
Wendy Hart - Nudge Community Builders (Client)
Matt Ward - Plymouth City Council (Site Owner)
Year 2: Irene Zolla, Caitlin Boughton, Kelise Prince, Henry Miles, Emma Lee-Mohan, Georgie Hutchins, Matthew Hamm, Ribas Ale, Aidan Gibb
Year 3: Oli Waterworth, Tilly Warburton, Elen Togher, Hester Smith, Nisarga Shinde, Barbara Poczatek, Jayan Parmar, Grace Kirpal
Unit A explores the idea that positive large scale change comes through a series of smaller actions that add up over time to encourage more sustainable urbanism which embodies community needs. This year we are tackling the climate crisis and work with Nudge Community Builders, Plymouth, to explore the question of ‘how do we design to address the climate crisis and communicate it to a larger audience to talk about it and address it without it being seen as a middle-class problem?’ The aim is to make the students Agents of Change. For this we had a Climate Action Event at Nudge’s space which facilitated student’s interactions with the local community. The climate booths where then moved to the Community Climate Centre in Plymouth where they can be visited by the public and student work is already making an impact locally. The students then completed two design projects on sites along the street.
2rd Years
Caitlin Boughton - MycoMeals - “MycoMeals” is a facility producing compostable mycelium packaging for local hospitality businesses as an alternative for single use plastics. Bespoke Mycelium cladding is used both internally and externally to celebrate this up-and-coming construction material, as well as the activity taking place inside. The brief follows the hypothetical story of a man with a criminal past of growing illegal mushrooms, who now grows culinary mushrooms in the basement of the adjacent building and wants his work to be represented at street level in order to make climate action in the area.
Caitlin Boughton
Caitlin Boughton
Henry Miles - Whats Cooking? - What's Cooking? Is a hub for a collective local movement towards accessible and sustainable food sourcing in the city of Plymouth. This includes: A Culinary School, Casual Diner and a Rooftop farm. Alongside the growing and consumption of food, an event space and DJ broadcasting room will look to activate Union Street’s once buzzing nightlife and music scene. With the site situated next to both the Millenium music + theatre venue and the Depo nightclub it holds a prominent position within a potential resurgence of Plymouth’s nightlife and music scene. The proposal will have the community at it’s heart bringing in local and national organisations who are passionate about bringing change to both specific communities and our planet.
Henry Miles - Whats Cooking?
Henry Miles - Whats Cooking?
Zolla Irene
Zolla Irene
Zolla Irene - GF Plan
Zolla Irene - 1F Plan
3rd Years
Ana Bradbury - Project 2: “Boogie for bees and biodiversity” raises awareness for bees’ impact on climate change. This is done by reintroducing them into a city zone to pollinate green spaces and promote biodiversity, increasing knowledge through workshops on bee related produce and bringing the community together to contemplate the issue through dance and music. Project 3: "Uniting Union Street Against Waste" looks to a future where Union Street is more sustainable, in terms of its waste produce, including litter, energy, heating, space, water, etc. and the incremental steps that can lead to a large change. Project 4: “Positive Powerhouse” To combat the rising cost of living and energy crisis a 4th generation district heating network will be installed in Stonehouse. At the central production facility energy will also be generated to facilitate high energy consumption makers who are currently struggling to afford their costs of production.
Ana Bradbury
Ana Bradbury
Ana Bradbury
Ana Bradbury
Jessica Coapes - In the Loop - The textiles industry produces a lot of clothing every year. And it is never thought about what comes next… Only 1% of clothing is recycled, that means that 99% of our clothing after we’re done with it gets incinerated or put into landfill. The future of this industry is very important, the climate crisis is already a looming issue in our society and anything we can do to reduce the carbon emissions is mandatory to finding a solution as a society. The concept behind this project was to decrease waste and bring the industry from linear to a circular economy model. How can our clothing be redesigned to be used again or even possibly recycled into entirely new materials which can be used in a plethora of ways. This design district is a combination of production, people and the potential of textiles recycling in the future. It has many retail spaces which are linked to design studios and a catwalk so that these innovative solutions to the issue can be solved. As well as production of a sustainable fabric (Linen) with the local supplier being a charity organisation, Flax Project which is already working with our live client Nudge Community Builders.
Jessica Coapes
Jessica Coapes
Ann Parkyn - Project 2 The Community Climate Centre based in Plymouth are in need of a new “place to call home”. This small and easily constructable structure aims to prove to union street that non-oil-based materials can be used to hand-in-hand to create a busy and adaptable hub to invigorate a community. Project 3 Pitching a chronological time-line of small incremental steps that shows how the future of Plymouth can become a more sustainably aware and carbon-zero community. Incorporating a series of “breaking-down” barriers and enhancing communal integration to improve their local economy can provide a few ways to make Stonehouse even better than it already is! Project 4 Improving the local economy by challenging an industry to create more green-jobs means starting from the “building-blocks.” Hence creating a school where a community of people are able to access a sustainable alternative to traditional construction can provide a new opportunity for a up-and-coming industrial turn-around. Hosting 4 innovative materials: wool, hempcrete, cob, and mycelium. This provides a range of traditional and modern materials and a wide range of skills that can be applied towards the regeneration of Stonehouse with it's many construction projects.
Ann Parkyn
Ann Parkyn
Ann Parkyn
Barbara Poczatek - The UK population is both growing and ageing; people are living, working and participating in mainstream society for longer, whilst maintaining health beyond the typical age displayed by previous generations. The generational gap creates a dysfunctional society, where young and old adults cannot understand each other nor care for one another. This project aims to bridge the generations by housing students and elderly together to create a community of all ages.
Barbara Poczatek
Barbara Poczatek
Nisarga Shinde - Semester 1 - A Blanket for your Home This centre for insulation is a public building in the heart of Plymouth, with the focus on a shared workshop space aimed at providing the residents of Union Street with the opportunity to upgrade the existing insulation in their homes, given the extreme winters that the community has been experiencing over the last few years. The workshop space focuses on the intake of local sheep wool, processing of this wool and implementation of the new insulation into local homes. Semester 2 - Stepping Stones What can be done to help people as they leave prison and resettle into society? is the question that my design proposes, challenges and provides a solution for. With a focus on prison leavers as the user group, the proposal explores the required spaces to make this a successful cohousing initiative, that would also help residents find jobs hand in hand with helping them accommodate back into society.
Nisarga Shinde - GF Plan
Nisarga Shinde - 1F Plan
Hester Smith
Hester Smith
Hester Smith
Hester Smith
Elen Togher - Union Bird’s Nest Union Bird’s Nest is a sanctuary for restoring wildlife along Union Street, aiming to encourage migratory birds to nest in Plymouth after the city sees harsh declines in its migratory bird numbers. The building offers a migratory bird tracking space and a bird watching terrace to motivate locals to stop and observe nature while monitoring the affects of climate change in Stonehouse. Semester Two – Futurism in Fungi Research Centre The proposal explores the fungi world in search for new discoveries in materials, waste solutions and medical research. The building operates as a mycelium cultivation farm, debate forum, public museum, therapy centre, and a laboratory and research space. The building offers excitement, education and climate activism to the street, interacting with the new health hub, regenerated Millennium and the local school.
Elen Togher
Elen Togher
Elen Togher