Year 01

Coming back into the studios has been a breath of fresh air for everyone and we have rediscovered the enjoyment of the social dimension of the studio.  The Live projects jump started the year working with local collaborators and the key local site at the Oxford Covered Market. Weekly tutorials were supplemented with specialist workshops including model making, diagramming, urban design, and way-finding. Emerging from the pandemic hybrid learning became part of the everyday and so work became communicated both physically and digitally. The final pieces on show in this exhibition represent the culmination of skills developed over the course of the whole year; a synthesis of different learning modules including Architectural Design, Technology, Representation, and History + Theory.

  • A live project collaborating with Transition by Design and Meanwhile in Oxfordshire to design and construct 1:1 prototypes including: table space, seating, window displays, wall / freestanding displays, information displays, payment areas, a stage, changing area, storage, lighting etc. A client consultation event was held to test the prototypes and discuss ideas for a larger Catalyst Space.

  • In this theoretical brief, students explored reusing vacant retail space in the Oxford covered Market as a catalyst space for independent shops, cultural venues, creative studios or co-working spaces for underrepresented communities.

  • Dealing with an existing building, the Brasenose College Squash Courts and its surroundings was the premise of this theoretical project brief. The project deals with heritage, legacy and community. Connections to and development with an existing building as well as designing for a collection that connects us to the past but also is a living legacy connecting to the community were key to this project.


Module leaders:

Ralph Saull

Khisha Clarke

Jane Anderson



Tom Dawson

Shravan Vaidyanath

Caroline Beck

Vita Rossi

Sebastiano Giannesini


Unit N