Unit J
Choreographing Space
This year Unit J is exploring the relationship between the body and its movement in space, understanding how architecture can help to choreograph spatial synergies. We have considered how certain movements and behaviours are programmed within architecture,how space unfolds through movement and how the body occupies space at a range of dimensional and temporal scales.
Building on previous year’s briefs, ‘Choreographing Space’ continues Unit J’s investigations of the bespoke and highly-particular, in contrast to a more conventional and generic approach to design. We’re keen to challenge the Corbusian notion of the ‘modular man’, and Neufert’s space standardisations, both of which fail to acknowledge that no two bodies are the same.
The work of unit J is both experimental and rigorous, producing inventive architectural proposals which deal with issues of corporeal diversity in intelligent and creative ways.
Emma-Kate Matthews (unit lead)
Kirsty McMullan (unit tutor)
Declan Molloy (tech tutor)
Bedir Bekar (engineering tutor)
Ryan Munroe (movement workshop leader)
Robyn Thurston (MPL tutor)
Tom Fotheringham
Blake Walter
Dougal Sadler
Isac Leung
Eleanor Downs
Toby Baring
Hannah Cross
Mia Millman
Felipe Reyes
Benjamin Rosenstiehl
Nyle Santos
Millicent Thurman
Elen Togher
Samantha Whetstone
Hanna Wooldridge
Michael Hicks
Nada Abdelbary
Toby Ackerman
Amrita Bansal
Reece Behn
Fernando Duran
Cristian Francioso
Tara Eliassen Kongsvik
Joey Lau
Chani Samudradewa
Paulina Skrzypaszek
Peter Topping
Benjamin Rosenstiehl
Benjamin Rosenstiehl
Chani Samudradewa
Chani Samudradewa
Cristian Francioso
Cristian Francioso
Cristian Francioso
Elen Togher
Elen Togher
Fernando Duran
Hanna Wooldridge
Hanna Wooldridge
Hannah Cross
Hannah Cross
Joey Lau
Mia Millman
Millicent Thurman
Nada Abdelbary
Nada Abdelbary
Nyle Santos
Nyle Santos
Paulina Skrzypaszek
Paulina Skrzypaszek
Peter Topping
Reece Behn
Reece Behn
Samantha Whetstone
Samantha Whetstone
Tara Eliassen Kongsvik
Tara Eliassen Kongsvik
Toby Ackerman
Toby Ackerman
Toby Baring
Toby Baring