UNIT H: Common Spectacles
Unit H is focused on the city as a never ending conversation, where people’s ideas are tested and nurtured, adopted and displaced. Not a place to be rationalised, but tangled dialogue that architects can learn to negotiate.
This year we have been exploring the role design can play as the mediator between local eccentricities, perceptions and national/global trends. By investigating how to construct a spectacle of the everyday we imagine how this could redefine our public buildings/spaces as playful and experiential civic centres that embrace their role as places of social, cultural and political exchange. Where the inevitable negotiation and compromise manifests in democratic space, that is inclusive and transient, rather than autocratic and inflexible.
Nowhere is this idea of exchange more prevalent than in our marketplaces. However, here it is not only commodities and commerce that are traded, but ideas, cultures, knowledge, skills and experience.
Unit Lead: Felicity Barbur
Unit Tutor: Gareth Marriott
Tech Tutor: Sonia Tong
Structural Tutor: John Hurle
Emma Lynn
Corina Tuna
Chloe Spigby Loh
Fergus Adam-Smith
Shravan Vaidyanath
Alice Hardy
Dow Ager
Hadley Birchall
Archie Browner
Jessica Coapes
Ivana Hristova
Carla Kyalo
Jonah Ling
Aimee Madine
Oli Partner
Anoushka Rajwade
Adi Sukumaran
Isabel Chapman
Antoaneta Ivanova
Alex Malone
Maddie McGuinness
Oliver Ng
Saif Saeeid
Anna Semenova
Hannah Slater
Adi Sukumaran: Marble Arch Gardens - ‘Marble Arch Gardens’ is a response to the inaccessibility of allotments to Londoners today. It challenges the ‘allotment culture’ that typically exists in these spaces; a contradictory and difficult to navigate mix of public and private space.
Anna Semenova
Anna Semenova
Anoushka Rajwade: Exotic Produce Marketplace - By combining the power of knowledge of our environment, resource management, food and recycling the exotic produce marketplace provides a collective experience for all members of the public with a focus on families. An unforgettable and fulfilling day out really!
Antoaneta Ivanova
Anoushka Rajwade: Exotic Produce Marketplace - By combining the power of knowledge of our environment, resource management, food and recycling the exotic produce marketplace provides a collective experience for all members of the public with a focus on families. An unforgettable and fulfilling day out really!
Isabel Chapman
Adi Sukumaran: Marble Arch Gardens - ‘Marble Arch Gardens’ is a response to the inaccessibility of allotments to Londoners today. It challenges the ‘allotment culture’ that typically exists in these spaces; a contradictory and difficult to navigate mix of public and private space.
Ivana Hristova: Marble Arch Glass Recycling Centre - The interactive recycling centre acts as an educational resource and advocates for an environmental change at Marble Arch. Providing workshops which demonstrate the endless possibilities of recycled glass.
Antoaneta Ivanova
Jonah Ling: Piezoelectric Waterpark - London’s omnipresent energy is captured in the piezoelectric crystals that form this new public dance floor. Commuters will have their footfalls converted into electricity, before it's captured in on-site pumped a hydroelectric storage network that forms a new waterpark.
Aimee Madine: The Oasis - Office culture in London can be very toxic. ‘The Oasis’ aims to create a space where this is combatted, by offering activities such as counselling, exercise classes, co-working, reading, group spaces to socialise and nature spaces to retreat to.
Hadley Birchall: Marble Arch Skate Space - The Marble Arch Skate Space functions as a visionary workshop, encouraging a community and inspiring a creative currency. It exhibits a 'DIY' skatepark layout characterised by a modular grid, existing in soft diffused light due to its 360-degree polycarbonate facade.
Isabel Chapman
Jonah Ling: Piezoelectric Waterpark - London’s omnipresent energy is captured in the piezoelectric crystals that form this new public dance floor. Commuters will have their footfalls converted into electricity, before it's captured in on-site pumped a hydroelectric storage network that forms a new waterpark.
Ivana Hristova: Marble Arch Glass Recycling Centre - The interactive recycling centre acts as an educational resource and advocates for an environmental change at Marble Arch. Providing workshops which demonstrate the endless possibilities of recycled glass.
Ivana Hristova: Marble Arch Glass Recycling Centre - The interactive recycling centre acts as an educational resource and advocates for an environmental change at Marble Arch. Providing workshops which demonstrate the endless possibilities of recycled glass.
Jessica Coapes: Fine Motor Light Project - Invites interactions from children’s play during the day to create a constantly evolving lightscape for the passive users in the evening. Facilitated by fun activities which address some of the fine motor skills from which children can learn and develop.
Jessica Coapes: Fine Motor Light Project - Invites interactions from children’s play during the day to create a constantly evolving lightscape for the passive users in the evening. Facilitated by fun activities which address some of the fine motor skills from which children can learn and develop.
Jonah Ling: Piezoelectric Waterpark - London’s omnipresent energy is captured in the piezoelectric crystals that form this new public dance floor. Commuters will have their footfalls converted into electricity, before it's captured in on-site pumped a hydroelectric storage network that forms a new waterpark.