We are for an architecture of change in invention and imagination.
This year, the Studio is interested in the unseen, the ignored, and the mutable. The world is mutable, in a state of continual change. Architecture must respond by being in a constant state of construction. Through looking at the fundamentals of architecture - STRUCTURE, SITE, and PROGRAM, the Studio seeks to reveal architectures that are inventive and imaginative. Building should be an adventure into the social possibilities of the future, not rear-view mirrors into the past.
What we float in is taken for granted, so prevalent that we forget it’s there, so obvious that it becomes irrelevant to our senses. If the computer is an extension of the nervous system, is architecture a remnant of our nervous system? Our nervous system is connected to our eyes, ears, nose, and skin. If our senses continue to become passive, stuck on automatic setting, what does this mean for our brains and what does it mean for architecture?
Change is a shift from one state to another state. Water can change from a solid, to a fluid, to a gas through heating and cooling. What is its resting state if there is one? Is it appropriate to see water as in a continual state of change, from the sea, through the air, to clouds and falling as rain again. These changing states of matter are ever present and have been in existence for as long as the universe. Nothing is stationary, nothing is fixed, nothing is complete.
The Studio requires a willingness to invent at the level of structure and programme within the context of a continuously evolving and modifiable architecture that is stimulated by the unseen and the ignored.
We cannot continue on default mode, we must know the water.
Off The Beaten Track
Design tutors: Louise Cann + Xana Murrell
Technology tutor: Declan Molloy
MPL tutor: Robyn Thurston
Thomas Thwaites, Clive Boursnell, Michael Adewole and Ben Clark
Abraham Thankachan, Adela Gagiu, Beatriz Felix, Dinjal Damania, Hussein Ali, Leo Baker, Lindsey DuPell, Shrutika Yadav, Tais Raposo, Wynn Hui, Zhi Yoong Kong
Adela Elena Gagiu - The Aquavian - Iridescent alchemy as a form of communication across species. The project depicts a journey into a symbiotic nest, where the modern human and birds co-exist in an iridescent ecosystem. Through this experience, we gain a bird's perspective, as their heightened perception of color wavelengths reveals the power of their structural coloration as a universal language. It invites us to imagine life in a nest, where diverse species coexist, unified by the iridescent communication that transcends boundaries and speaks to all beings. In fact, it serves as a reminder of our inseparable connection with nature, a glimmer of hope as a testament to the critical need for ecological connectivity in the spite of biodiversity loss and habitat fragmentations in an age that is technologically driven.
Adela Elena Gagiu
Adela Elena Gagiu
Adela Elena Gagiu