A new statecraft
In Unit D we explored how to achieve a new statecraft as a process that promotes a reflective awareness of the current restrictive conditions of society, and how this awareness can lead to the awakening of a critical consciousness to an emancipatory human social life, and the role of transformative practice of philosophy, art, architecture, or politics. The main body of research was situated in the buffer zone of Nicosia|Lefkosa in a divided Cyprus. Programmes for the projects emerged through in depth cultural research and are typically community focussed, and perform as catalysts for change.
We focus on Architecture and Urbanism as a way of exploring socio-ecological spatial initiatives to support the development of resilient communities, and participation to challenge the structural conditions that perpetuate exclusion from urban planning, design, and governance and as a process to deepen democracy.
Year 2
Alice Hayes
Women's refuge in Nicosia - Steps
A short stay 'Stepping-stone' sanctuary for women whom are victims of domestic abuse. This sanctuary will be hidden behind a diverse coffee shop spilling out onto a large multi-generational park/playground, spanning from border-to-border. To access the sanctuary the women will be given a coded sentence ("I'm here to see Maria"..."Can I speak to Maria"... "I'm looking for Maria") whom will then be taken through to the sanctuary, or sit in the cafe to discuss 'next steps' they can take, and info on support. Whilst the buffer zone still exists - there will be two border crossings; one from the north, and other from the south. When the borders are removed, the park/playground will act as a living memory of the past, ensuring the conflict is never forgotten. The new site will not disturb the old street patterns of the old city.
Looking In
Bird’s Eye View
Steps Elevation
Year 2
Arkady Petrov
Water conservation project
A regenerated segment of the buffer zone providing spaces for start-up companies and NGO's to educate and address the issues of water conservation facing Cyprus as a country. This development will consist of a series of passivhaus certified buildings show casing sustainable design, and water collection systems that may be retro-fitted on existing buildings in Nicosia, and Cyprus. This common goal of Cyprus will intend to consolidate and ennoble both North and South citizens to overcome cultural differences and work towards a more stable future.
Physical Model: Scale 1:200
Nicosia Water Conservation Centre Site Plan
Axonometric Sketch of Water Conservation Centre
Archie Buchanan
Elevations and Sections
Year 2
Initial Masterplanning
Clara Feibusch
Buffer Zone Regeneration Centre
Assuming that the Buffer Zone will become obsolete in the future, regeneration must begin before the territory is fully publicly accessible.To ensure that careful rehabilitation is implemented in terms of encapsulating the delicate history of the site, this brief will provide office space for a team of collaborative architects, planners and designers from across both sides of the border who will actively work on the ongoing regeneration of the buildings across the Buffer Zone. Sustainable design will be at the core of the development, by repurposing materials that are available from derelict buildings on site, and identifying and sourcing local materials. The site will be open to the general public, so that the regeneration process is visible and involvement is stimulated from all inhabitants of Nicosia leading to mutually beneficial regenerative projects. The general public will be offered the chance to collaborate and offer ideas as to what purpose the rehabilitated buildings within the buffer zone should serve.
On a more metaphorical level the new projects within the Buffer Zone (including this initiative) will need to honor the history upon which they are built; this initial construction will act as an almost metaphorical timeline of the history of the site, and emphasize the concept of time throughout the design. By providing an experiential value to the space, human nature is appealed to on a basic level which allows visitors to feel more open to difficult conversation, as users are united over experienced common humanity within the experience of time in the design.
Year 2
3D Form in Context
Cafe and River
Year 2
Charlotte Land
Traditional pita bread making school
Bringing different generations together in order to proceed with traditional bread making is beneficial to everyone involved. The children will be integrated in the whole process of bread making being exposed to different processes and people from all generations.
Traditional Pita Bread Making School Courtyard
Playful Interpretation of Grain Slides
Year 3
Dassa Shalev
The Green Line
Unifying the Cypriot communities by bringing agriculture and farming into the city centre, encouraging bi-communal living and working.
Connecting Growing Infrastructure
Food Preparation
Growing Courtyards
Year 3
Livia Plaumann
School for Disadvantaged girls
A boarding school for girls from all cultural backgrounds of Cyprus which aims to improve the issue of gender inequality in the long term. The school gives students the opportunity to gain a good education in a safe environment which allows them to fill in leading job positions in the future. In addition students from north and south Cyprus will learn to build one community while being taught the correct history of the island without the influence of their parents.
View Onto Decking
Detailed Section
Long Section
Year 2
Siti Shariff Umairah
Art and Cultural Hub
A youth led program integrating the local crafting methods with contemporary techniques. A hub to gather artists around Cyprus to collaboratively produce craft with younger generations and exhibit the artworks to celebrate the past and their differences.
Site Section
Layering of Shade
Year 2
Eric Cugnet
Ermou innovation centre
To unite the North and the South with a produce innovation centre that specialises in Cyprus's vast range of vegetation. Focusing on grapes, pomegranate, almonds and citrus fruit. The project will run an integrated youth program and will utilise the buffer zone's fertile soil and water source so test new seeds, sharpen new growing techniques and create communities through agriculture. The project remits promotes teamwork and entrepreneurship - The money made from products sold on site are re-invested into the community creating a better quality of living and sustainable economic growth.
Concept Model
Model Development
Brief Sketches
Year 2
Raphael Haque
Buffer zone in Nicosia
Overall Birds Eye View
Perspective View
Year 2
Theo Gammie
Collaborative Commons | Hotel
A collaborative commons that increases social contact between North and South Cypriots, subsidised by a long stay cultural hotel.
Ground Floor Plan
Detailed Section
Year 2
Tanisha Chauhan
Collaborative Film School
A collaborative film centre where film students (and others who are interested in film) can come to use film making facilities. The films created can be showcased publicly as part of a film festival, with the films having some focus on the conflicts between the two sides of Nicosia
Approaching Film School Perspective
Year 2
Nicola Preuss-Pothitou
Psychology School
It takes a few weeks to destroy a wall, however in the long term there will be psychological barrier in the minds of the community and the fabric of Nicosia, creating economic, social and political differences. The aim of the psychology school is to understand trauma of individuals from the past, yet also w/ Nicosia's encouragement in the field of letters and arts (as seen w the constructions of Cyprus cultural centre and New State art gallery) to engage with this and look into the depth / subconscious of the citizens and see their narrative and P.O.V. The school will try and promote togetherness and an exchange of ideas through an open structure, open to any visitors destroying the imagery of linear walls, and creating an intimate relationship between the visitor and the site, and a state of calmness.
Exploring Space Through Models
Year 3
Charlotte Ledger
Peace Education Centre
A peace education centre with offers school trips and summer camps for children aged 10-12 from both sides of the buffer zone. The project will aim to increase contact between the communities, break stereotypes and promote cultural similarities. The students will work towards the annual Yukablend festival to promote items they make in the workshops.
Exterior View
Detail of Oriel Window
Year 3
Harry Allen
Preschool in the buffer zone
A kindergarten/daycare for children aged 3-6 to address the divide between the North and South. The reasoning for choosing a kindergarten is to attempt to let the children be around people not like themselves before they hold similar, dividing beliefs to their parents/grandparents. Following alternative teaching methods (Montessori, Reggio Emilia), parents are encourages to take part in their children's education when possible, to even overcome their own prejudices.
Detailed Section
The Street Perspective
Hidden Spaces Perspective
Year 3
Ingeborg Stromsnes
The Reflective Journey
Multiplying nature through greening and connecting the city of Nicosia. Connecting communities through a treasure hunt simultaneously fighting the common enemy climate change through planting trees.
3D section - Spatial Modelling
3D section - Spatial Modelling
Year 3
Julianna Smith
Home of Earth
A women's shelter combined with a multi-communal pottery studio driven by a female co-operative
Section and Perspectives
Material Exploration
Ground Floor Plan
Year 3
Julia Wlodrczyk
A platform for creation of bi-communal Media which promotes holistic cultural, personal and communal development as well as promotes media literacy, critical thinking and debate to counter negative narratives bought upon Cyprus.
South View of Exterior
Long Section
Sectional Perspective
Year 3
Sorcha Prime
Collective Degrowth Co-housing
An affordable scheme for women of Nicosia. Bridging across Nicosia's divide: from a 'no man's land' to a shared public realm that promotes connectivity.
Detailed Section
Detailed Section Sketch
Year 3
Tessa Cox
Affordable youth co-housing project
Co-housing Scheme: Designed for young people struggling to afford rent in Nicosia. The co-housing provides an opportunity for young people to form a community within the city, through creating an environment for young people to feel empowered, included and thrive.
Plan and Section
Models Section Elevation
Internal Perspective
Melissa Kinnear
Rob Goacher
Peter Newton
Year 2 Students
Nicola Preuss-Pothitou
Tanisha Chauhan
Hamza Mohamed
Charlotte Land
Raphael Haque
Arkady Petrov
Clara Feibusch
Theodore Gammie
Emily Biggs
Archie Buchanan Lazaro-Carrasco
Siti Umairah Shariff
Eric Cugnet
Alice Hayes
Francis Rainier Ramos
Year 3 Students
Ingeborg Strømsnes
Livia Plaumann
Sorcha Prime
Charlotte Ledger
Tessa Cox
Allen Harry
Julianna Smith
Dassa Shalev
Julia Wlodarczyk
Silvia Covarino, Annika Grafweg, Daniel Bianch, Jacob Skeates, Elizabeth Ryall, Zuzanna Krzyzanowska, Ndabakunda Angella Nkurunziza, Angelina Constanti, Lindsey DuPell, Nicholas Cassidy, Lok Chi Chan, Will Thomas
With special thanks to Eleni Xenophontos