UNIT M - Up The Creek

Riparian (adj.) at the edge of a river, or relating to this area

Littoral (adj.) the part of a river, lake, or sea close to the land

Unit M will build on last year’s findings and thoughts about the River Thames. We will begin by getting to know the waterways through mapping, printing and modelling. Using this information we will then design a community centre and archive to hold the items you find important to preserve the history of the Thames.


The Thames is the largest open space in London. With its waterways linking every London borough, and indeed to Oxford, the river offers a lesser used connection across the city.

The unit will use this year to understand how the river has changed over time, how it relates to the contemporary city, and how we can design to make more use of it today by proposing a series of river facing buildings in Deptford Creek.

  • Louis Mayes

    Luke Vouckelatou

    Oscar Mather

  • Aldo D’Angelo

    Carlotta Novella

    Dario Graceva

    Jonathan Ramedean

    Nicoletta Michelatos

  • Ben Ashmore, Megan Beyers, Teddy Bruce, Chloe Day, Tam Oniyelu, Natalia Purkiss Galan, Amelie Rahman Smith, Lottie Ambler, Amalie Ball , Adalgisa Cassuende, King Ting Cheung, Mariam Elsaghir, Isabel Grimmer, Amelia Heath, Faizah Jahir

Year 02

Year 03


Unit L


Interior Architecture