The unit this year will be set up as a zone rather than a design studio – if you are interested in safety rather than danger – for prescription and for doctrine, this is not the studio for you.

Studio structure has remained the same for decades: Zone 5 challenges the premises of the design studio and seeks to provide an alternative – the experimental zone.

The zone will ask you to explore a series of starting premises and agendas, and to use these premises to become autonomous and collaborative. Researching what interests you as a response to these agendas will help you explore your position on architecture and to generate form and programme finding methods.

The Zone is interested in: VR/AR Generation Z/M, low culture, deployable architecture, event-space, fabrication as process/exploration, hyper-tech materials and technology exploration, new building types, new architectural agendas, the connected city. Video as sketch

Perspective Drawing of The Cosmic Religion

Perspective Drawing of The Martian Gardens

Year 4

Andranik Kazaryan


The Foundation is the furthest outpost in Jezero crater on Mars, collecting all human knowledge incase of major catastrophe. It brings together people of all nations and races from Earth to live in cohesion and further accumulate knowledge.

Section of The Crypto Fireplace

Perspective View of The Virtual mess Sanctuary

Perspective View of The Virtual Vernacular Structures

Year 4

Mohammed Al-Ali


Digitalizing the vernacular architecture of the Marsh Arabs located in Southern Iraq Marshes by exploring the visual element of reed shelters and how it resembles their way of life. The project attempts to recreate a language that celebrates the marsh arabs traditions in virtual space.

The Structural Elements of The Virtual Marshes

Axonometric Structure of The Connection Details

Axonometric Structure of The Connection Details

Perspective View Inside The Dismantled of The Walled City

Anas Bousmer

Dismantling The Idea of A Walled City

The country of Morocco has witnessed an unprecedented change in its society in the past few decades. The project is set inside the medina wall of Marrakech, it will analyze how Globalization has touched Morocco through the historical process of colonization. The restructuring of urban spaces and the preservation of cultural and historical sites have contributed to the country’s economic dependence on the expansion of the tourist industry at the expense of local communities and certainindustries. Culture has become a commodity that is profitable and thus countries like Morocco continue to present an inauthentic and static experience for visitors that perpetuates stereotypes within the medina wall.
Global organizations like UNESCO dictate what needs to be kept and preserved in order to continue the funding and maintenance of the medina by “enhancing its authenticity and purity”. The fortress wall that separates the medina from the new city intensifies the stereotypes that have been perpetuated and the contrast between the East and the West is further exaggerated. The new modern constructions outside the wall were meant to bring a stark contrast between the modernity of the French colonialists and the perceived backwardness of the Arabs and Berbers that resided in Morocco.

Section Through Dismantling The Idea of A Walled City

Wuraola Bolarinwa


Countless to say, architecture is vastly orientated around the importance of appearance within our built environment. However, according to philosophy, what is imperative is how the spaces within them affect the existence of its users. Within the realm of architecture, the built environment, just like those who inhabit them, has a soul; and the spaces within them can evoke and manipulate the emotions of its users.

Section of The Nirvana

Perspective View of Where the Soul Lives

Exploded Axonometric of The Intersection

Fraser Quay

Fraser Quay: Section

Community Gardens Intersecting Cohousing

Natalie laking

Plan of Emerging The Landscape of Unseen

Perspective of The Soltice Arena

Sara Tomljenovic

Emerging The Landscape of Unseen

The project entitled invisible, metaphysical elements of human body and environment. It became a journey of self engagement and with others based on natural and invisible principles of human, represented as Aura. Journey follows the water above the surface and it deepens to underground caves and tubes to feel earth energies amd restore self.

Aerial View of Emerging The Landscape of Unseen

Section of The Oasis

Shervan Chan

Perspective of The Oasis Life

Perspective View of The Oasis

Axonometric Drawing of The Vertical Market

Narrative Drawing of The Trader’s Dalston Hub, Vertical Market

Section of The Dalston Hub

Elliott Afoke

Dalston Hub : A Vertical Market

The Dalston Hub is the beating heart of Hackney, run by traders’activist, the vertical market proclaims a new social order and system of measure of trading in the expression of retaining and saving Ridley Road unique characters and culture.
The project explores how Gentrification races through Dalston: luxury high rise developments on nearby Dalston Lane, Ridley Road Market faces mounting interest from developers to regenerate the market into luxury flats, retail and offices; which currently see the market threatened with demolition, growing inequality suburbs and skyrocketing rents. 

The Spectacular Poplitical

Meeting GoRound

The Spectacular Section

Kelvin Siow

Pop-litical: A Celebration of Manipulation

Today we live within a society that finds authority through celebrity culture. A remarkable array of political, cultural, and economic activities are dictated by the actions of a handful of ‘celebrity’ stakeholders. This thesis explores the interplay of the presentational strategies and the dominance of celebrity-politicians.

This thesis, entitiled The Spectacular Pop-litical : A Celebration of Manipulation aims to represent & normalise the celebrification of politics through media oppression and totalitarian tactics. Ultimately, this project is a statement to portray the reality of the real world shift towards a celebrity-driven society.

The narrative is based on the G7 Summit reimagined in the form of a festival in St. Ives, Cornwall. Central to reinforcement and normalisation of Pop-litical oppression is the full transparency of the elements of the festival that would traditionally be considered ”behind the scenes

The Living Quarters Sectional Perspective

The General Assembly

The Living Quarters

Wee Kee Goh

The Ocean Regeneration Alliance (O.R.A)

The Ocean Regeneration Alliance becomes a beacon of hope in the South China Sea and seeks to create regional peace through cooperative ocean protection efforts. Reassessing our relationship with ocean plastics and oil rigs, and turning our problems into potential solutions.


Anass Bousmer, Andrew Kazaryan, Christopher Fulton, Ellie Davies, Elliott Ng Chan Kye Afoke , Laura Smith, Mohammed Al-Ali, Natalie Laking, sara tomljenovic, Tsz Ho CHAN, Wee Kee Goh, Wuraola Bolarinwa, Yee Wen Siow


Samantha Hardington, Steve Mccloy,  Mark Flanagan, Oksana Bodar, Pranjaketu, Matt Gaskin, Robyn Thurston, Christiant Knight, George Jamison, George Williams, Engeland Apostol, Alexandra Lacatusu, Adam Barlow 


Toby Shew, Owen Hughes Pearce, Maria Faraone



