DS 7
This year DS7 investigates domesticity at the scale of the territory. We will be critical of domesticity as a historically constructed notion that addresses values of gender, space, work and power. Contrived in the West during the 19C, an exclusive set of values have come to determine the practices and rituals that structure everyday life. Domesticity as a cultural construct has not only shaped specific ideas and beliefs around homeliness and living, but the very physical spaces and infrastructures that sustain - produce and reproduce - our daily existence. Our projects challenge the Approaching Obsolescence of Domesticity via an inquiry into the design philosophies and social practices that inform domesticity as a territorial project.
Alexia Nomikou
Axonometric Plan View of An Alternative Route to London
Six Stations: An alternative route to London
The project investigates the relationship between Welwyn Garden City and London and proposes a path with six stations that act as a method of slowing down the pace of its users and enable them to perform stationary activities. The project illustrates different architectural elements at multiple scales that aid the interaction with the path.
Perspective View of An Alternative Route to London
View of An Alternative Route to London
Cherry Hoi Ki Yeong
Axonometric Drawing of The Friendly Environment in Central Milton Keynes
Recreate a pedestrian friendly environment in central Milton Keynes by cultural regeneration
Re-purposing the car park & surrounding vehicle access road into an art center, with the fully permeable public space on the ground floor.
The main goal of cultural regeneration would be to deploy the activities throughout on the street level to reclaim the car access area.
Perspective View of The Friendly Environment in Central Milton Keynes
Front Elevation of The Friendly Environment in Central Milton Keynes
Freesia Chiu
Aerial View of The Cooperative Hubs
Masterplan of The Cooperative Hubs
Regenerating the town via a series of cooperative hubs - resolving the community needs and increasing the social interaction.
To remedy the issues and foster social interaction in Peterborough, a proposal of cooperative hubs is introduced. The hubs provide nursery services, working skills workshops and spaces for neighbour activities. This proposal aims to regenerate Peterborough both architecturally and economically.
Axonometric View of The Cooperative Hubs
Jade Lim
Axonometric View of The Domestic-City
This project looks at the recentralisation of different elements of the domestic life as found in a ‘classic’ nuclear family home, to create a new form of inhabitation within the city.
Perspective View of The Domestic-City
Plan of The Domestic-City
Jia Chi Yap
Plug & Play
Plug & Play design proposal is to integrate playing and learning area with living dwelling. Dwelling is being attached by different pods of play area, learning area, planting area, childcare area and so on. Those pods provide an alternative learning environment that promotes play, learn and provide parental support facilities for the children.
Isometric Drawing of The Plug & Play Proposal
Perspective View of The Plug & Play Proposal
Plan Drawing of The Plug & Play Proposal
Leslie Oloo
Crafting the ‘new’ New Town : experiments of the arts as domestic ritual in regenerating post-industrial Harlow
Crafting the new New Town is a commentary on developer-led vs local regeneration by the arts and crafts community of Harlow. It envisions a scenario where Parndon Mill Artists’ regenerate permitted-development run Terminus House in the Town Centre, reviving Harlow.
Perspective View of The Crafting The New Town
Section of The Crafting The New Town
Perspective Section of The Crafting The New Town
Siti Norlyana Binti Mustapah
Connecting Neighbourhood Fragments in East Kilbridge
Axonometric Drawing of The Neighbourhood Fragments in East Kilbridge
The site is at East Kilbride, has a significant condition which it is known as the “Roundabout City”. The road network was designed in an era when everyone was expected to own and use a car.
A proposal of the design strategies involves re-purposing the selected roads without disturbing the main vehicular circulation. There are two types of proposal strategies that will be introduced to this project which are independent & combined strategies. Independent strategy have separate proposal of promenades and bridges meanwhile the combine strategy is a combination of separate elements of independent strategy. It is combined by Urban Agora in the centre of roundabout.
Perspective View of The Neighbourhood Fragments in East Kilbridge
Plan Drawing of The Neighbourhood Fragments in East Kilbridge
Martyna Felus
Plan of The Old Industrial Town
A New Life of The Old Industrial Town
The project introduces a new Industrial Estate typology on the existing site, which will redefine the concept of domesticity by providing facilities allowing for social care and connecting the industrial estate with its beautiful surroundings.
Perspective View of The Old Industrial Town
Plan of The Old Industrial Town
Rebecca Day
Section of The Inn
Aerial View of Re-Creating the Inn
Re-Creating the Inn
The project aims to reunite the residents of Crawley with those commuting through Crawley by re-creating elements of the traditional coaching inns, which were once an essential part of Crawley's identity.
Axonometric View of Re-Creating the Inn
Tim Emery
Section of The Hatfield’s New Phalanstery
Site Analysis of The Hatfield’s New Phalanstery
‘Will Billionaires Save Us? – Hatfield’s New Phalanstery’
A critique of corporate greed in a society increasingly reliant on goods and services provided by online corporations. It questions whether the will of personal freedom and expression may be the most important counter to infrastructures of control seeking homogeneity, whilst masquerading as corporate utopias.
Perspective View of The Hatfield’s New Phalanstery
Vanesa Gecheva
Plan of The Spatiality of Day-to-Day Social Reproduction
Perspective View of The Spatiality of Day-to-Day Social Reproduction
Challenging the spatiality of day-to-day social reproduction
The project negotiates a new understanding of domesticity through redefining the morphology of 1970s housing estate and the spaces where social reproduction takes place resulting in a patchwork of interconnected ground floor social infrastructure.
Axonometric Plan of The Spatiality of Day-to-Day Social Reproduction
William WONG Wing ON
Isometric View of Re-connecting Corby
Plan of Re-connecting Corby
Re-connecting Corby
An architectural intervention to facilitate urban cultural exchange within the main city centre;Represented in 2 phases, the community led catalyst and residential wing co-existing to celebrate and ensure the cultural diversity and representation of corby through engagement with the consumerism and production of local goods and services.
Axonometric View of Re-connecting Corby
Wilson Yip
Common Ground-New Form of life within 800m Neighbourhood in Stevenage
Stevenage is a new town designed in 1946, which planned with the neighbourhood unit concept. The problem of Stevenage is over relying on the car, the existing 800m-radius social infrastructure are broken down. My project is to reinstate the 800m-radius walkable neighbourhood, the facilities and program are going to redistribute within the territory.
Plan of The Common Ground-New Form of Life
Plan of The Common Ground-New Form of Life
Axonometric View of The Common Ground-New Form of Life
Make it stand out.
Unit Tutors:
Elena Palacios Carral
Lola Lozano Lara
Sam Nelson
Emily Priest
Liam Ashmore
Guest Critics:
Aoife Donnelly
Bruno Silvestre
Ioana Piniara
Jeremy Lecomte
Ruth Lang
Wynn Chandra
Nadia Mendez
Mary V Johnson
Manijeh Verghese
Valerio Massaro
Shumi Bose
Rory Sherlock
Aylin Tarlan
Freesia Chiu
Rebecca Day
Timothy Emery
Martyna Felus
Vanesa Gecheva
Jade Lim
Siti Norlyana Binti Mustapah
Alexia Nomikou
Leslie Oloo
William Wong
Jia Chi Yap
Cherry Yeong
Wilson Yip